2011年7月1日 星期五

Add JRE plugin in RHEL 64 bits version

By default, system built-in browser, seamonkey is a 64bits application. However the browser only accepts 64bits plugins. Unfortunately, there are no JRE plugins can run without any problem with seamonkey. Only you can do is download the 32 bits firefox and add the 32 bits JRE plugins.

1: Download firefox from official site.
2: Untar the source file. ( tar zxvf firebox-x.x.x.tar.gz )
3: Download JRE from Sun. Because we want to have java applet and java web start function, please download the i586 version.
4: execute the downloaded bin file. ( chmod a+x jre-x_x_x-linux-i586-rpm.bin; /download_Path/jre-x_x_x-linux-i586-rpm.bin)
5: all JRE files will be located under /usr/java/jre_VERSION
6: link plugin to browser. ln –s /usr/java/jre_Version/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /download_Path/firebox/plugins/
7: launch the browser  /download_Path/firebox/firebox
8: check plugin status  go to url: about:plugins to check
