2010年6月28日 星期一

asterisk study

how to perform a webcall system
example 1:
Extension: Extension_NO

how to perform a auto-dial
example 1:
Channel: Local/ANY_NUMBER@Application
Extension: Extension_NO

2010年6月14日 星期一

Stale NFS file handle

when client is not able to talk to NFS server, you will see the message.

Please follow below procedure to manually remove the Staled handler and mounted point.

fuser -k -m /share/share_point
umount -f -l /share/share_point
fuser -k -m -9 /share/share_point
exit NFS root mount
restart auto service.

2010年6月1日 星期二

user level vsftp configuration

Global Configuration: /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
User Configuration defined inside: /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf -> user_config_dir
When user logon to vsftpd service, it will source the global configuration first. After that, system will check variable user_config_dir setup to source user's own configuration.

User customized configuration file should reside inside /
Content should be same as the gloabl configuration.

Please refer to "man vsftpd.conf"