2010年1月6日 星期三

script to manage certificate

capicom.dll is required for managing certificate through script

set oCertStore = CreateObject ("CAPICOM.Store")
set oCert = CreateObject ("CAPICOM.Certificate")

'Param 1 is the Store to use (1 = local computer, 2 = current user)
'Param 2 is the location to use in the store "MY" "ROOT"
'Param 3 is the Read/Write mode. 0 = R, 1 = W, 2 = RW
oCertStore.Open 1, "ROOT", 2
oCert.Load "certnew.cer", , 1, 1

'rem Then, you just need to add the cert to the store
oCertStore.Add oCert

來源: 忘了
