Allow to separate parameter setup to different include files.
Development flow:
Boot from CD-ROM and add ks=xxx to the boot option.
After entering KS stage, hit Ctrl + Alt + F2 to enter shell for debugging
Pre-install script will be placed at /tmp/ks-script-xxxxx
%pre --log=/tmp/pre.log
for hdd in $(ls /sys/class/block/*/device/model 2>/dev/null);do
hdd_model=$(cat $hdd|sed 's/ //g')
echo "#Path: $hdd Model: [$hdd_model]" >> /tmp/part-include
if [ "$hdd_model" = "GGInInDer" ];then
echo "#HDD model $hdd_model" > /tmp/part-include
echo ignoredisk --only-use=$(echo $hdd|cut -d'/' -f5) >> /tmp/part-include
echo "url --url=\"\"" >> /tmp/url-include
%include /tmp/part-include
%include /tmp/url-include