2012年12月27日 星期四

linux network if configuration tips

route define: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1
content:: via dev eth1

2012年12月26日 星期三

PXE tips

tftpx policy search order
1: 01-MAC_ADDR
if MAC address of PXE client is 00-15-5D-10-31-08, the PXE policy name must be 01-00-15-5d-10-31-08
Please note, all letters in MAC should be lower case

2: IP (HEX) without dot
if assigned IP address is, the PXE policy name must be  C0A80259.
Please note, all letters from the converted IP address bits must be upper case and dot need to be removed from the PXE policy name.

boot option tips:

2012年12月19日 星期三

remote Linux installation on Dell R710 server via PXE through sol

1: enable sol from bios
2: enable ipmi on BMC
3: setup root password for ipmi connection
4: kernel option for pxe label console=tty0 console=ttySx,115200n8
5: boot to text mode --> add " text " to append segment